We offer to the companies the possibility of having a corporate gym inside the work spaces provided with all the necessary equipements and professionals to offer a physical activity customized program for each employee, according to their needs. We offer personalized training programs and guided classes of zumba, pilates, yoga, spinning and body pump.

Wellnessjob is a business unit of CET10, a sports services company with more than 23 years of experience

At CET10 Wellnessjob we are pioneers in the management of corporate gyms in Catalonia
We are experts in the creation of health programs and in the management of sports activities for companies
We organize indoor and outdoor activities during the year with the aim of improving the working climate and personal well-being, such as paddle or tennis tournaments, walking or cycling routes, sportive gymkhana, guided activities like yoga, tai-txi, pilates, zumba, … and healthy workshops and conferences.
We offer an integral service in all our activities; from the advice and construction of sports centers to the management and dynamization of all the activities throw the constantly innovation of the services offered. We help to create a healthy working environment, providing an element of motivation to the staff and contributing to the satisfaction and loyalty of the workers.